The Evolution of The Logo

Logo design has been a controversial subject in the design press lately. One branding professional recently claimed that logo design is not that hard to do and another said that logos are dead; some rebutted while others concurred. Why all the fuss?
Recycle your rejected logo designs

The good people at Print Express do a lot of work with all kinds of designers, and so they like to get involved in the community and create things that designers might find useful, interesting or fun.
Last year, largely fuelled by reading Clients from Hell, they started thinking about all of the great logo design that doesn’t get approved by the client, and so doesn’t see the light of day.
“We thought: there must be tons of interesting pieces of artwork out there that’s sadly gone unnoticed, and only really gets seen by the creator,” explains Alex Black. “So we thought it’d be interesting to find that great work and reward it.”
They went on to create the Rejected Logo Competition. “It’s a competition that aims to find the best logo design that was ultimately turned down by the client, and instead of it being unused and unloved, we’d reward the creator with a whole range of prizes,” he explains.